Sunday, January 17, 2010

Our little golfer

One of Brady's Christmas presents were these adorable Taylor Made golf clubs from GMa. Brady was so excited to have real clubs. We took him out back to try them out. After a couple of practice swings he was able to make contact. I think we have a future golfer on our hands :)

Brad tried out the clubs as well. At least he did not lose a ball with these clubs. That is a first for him.

Brady getting the hang of the grip and the swing

Practicing together. Not sure who got more out of the practice session

We headed up to the club and practiced on the putting green next

GMa giving Brady some tips

Brady even got a 30 minute golf lesson from Tim, one of the assistant pros. Brady impressed all of us with his attention span and willingness to learn. I think he would have been out there all day if we would have let him.

Hitting the Driver... watch out!

Tim helping Brady learn where to hit the ball

We went out in the golf cart after all this practicing and were able to see some alligators on the golf course.

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