Saturday, August 6, 2011

4th of July

On the morning of the 4th we headed out the annual Lenexa 4th of July Parade. We had lots of company including Lori, Meredith and Roxie, the Friels, the Newlins, the Gertsemas and the Bohrs.

Meredith and Brady waiting for parade to begin.

Brad and Brady playing and wasting some time

Meredith smiles big with her cute pig tails

Meredith let Brady try out her Scooter

Brady is definitely ready for his little sister to arrive. He loves to hold Max.

Kate gets a better view from her daddy's shoulders

The night of the 4th we went to Johnson County Community College to watch the Cooperate Woods fireworks. Brady caught some fireflies while we were waiting for the show. 

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