Friday, December 18, 2009

Santa Visit

We headed to Union Station and Crown Center last night to check out the trains and to visit with Santa. Unfortunately all the toy trains were not up and running. We did get to see a few and Brady was happy to see the display.

After waiting for about an hour in line we finally made it in the Crayola play room where Santa was. Brady was very excited to run and jump around on all the equipment.

When it was FINALLY our turn to see Santa Brady was terrified and wanted NOTHING to do with Santa. I relayed Brady's Christmas wishes to Santa in hope that Santa will still deliver a new train and transformer.

After our long wait we were all starving. We heading to Fritz's for hamburgers and french fries. Brady was much happier after some much needed food.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Getting ready for Christmas

Brady has definitely been getting into the Christmas spirit. This year he is very excited for Santa to come and enjoyed helping his Daddy Brad put up the Christmas tree and helping me put up my Snow Babies. We will be heading down to Florida this year to spend Christmas with G-Ma. Since G-Ma does not have a chimney we explained to Brady that Santa will be making his way through the back sliding door.

Brady taking a picture of Brad's masterpiece

We did some picture posing the other night for our Christmas cards.

Brady likes to put on his Santa hat and say, "Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas"

Since he did so good I let him take a picture of me in front of our tree too.

Visit with the Coopers

While Brad was on his trip to NY Brady and I took a road trip to Indianapolis to see my best friend, Michelle, and her husband, Josh. Michelle and I were roommates in college and we were together on spring break when we met Josh. Fun times with both of these amazing people at Indiana University. They are now the proud parents of Kendall and Brinkley. Brady had a great time playing with them. Hopefully it will not be another 3-5 years until I see them again. (I forgot my camera so not the best pictures- I was able to use my phone to get some shots)

Brinkley on her bike. (Notice Michelle's outfit in the background :) Josh is so proud!)

It was such a nice day that we were able to go outside and play and take a walk around the neighborhood.

Kendall and Brinkley. Such beautiful little girls.

Kendall was nice enough to share her bike with Brady

Brinkley in style in her barbie jeep

Brad's hunting trip to Upstate New York

Brad took off for about 10 days on a hunting trip to New York with Jesse and Rob. They brought their guns and bows to seek out some deer and bear on Jesse's family land. Jesse successfully got a Doe and had a bear spotting, but none of the others were successful. They had some good guy bonding time nonetheless. Brad took some pictures along the way.

Here are some windmills Brad was fascinated with that were about 30 minutes from their destination.

Here is the cabin where 6 guys stayed for 3 days and 3 nights. Those are some tight living quarters.

They were able to have some fun on the ATVs as well

The outhouse


Brady decided he wanted to be Spiderman again for Halloween this year. We went to a party hosted by the Domingues' and trick or treated through the prairie village shops. Our trick or treating mostly consisted of me holding the bucket and saying, "trick or treat" since our anti-sweet loving child had no interest in collecting candy. He was much happier when we later went to Barb and Dan's. He ran to the door every time the doorbell rang and helped Barb hand out the candy.

Max, Amy and Ian's 2 year old son, was Bob the Builder.

Thing 1 AKA Jason Domingues

and Thing 2, Allison Domingues were in true Halloween spirit

We took Lori and Meredith to Brady's school where they had a Halloween open house with different stations and events to participate in. Meredith dressed up as a princess. Below she is using her creative skills to make a pretty bracelet while Brady is running around in the background. Continues to be the trend with these two.

Brady did finally sit down long enough to eat a hot dog

They both decided to get their face painted. Brady got a baseball on his face

and Meredith got a pretty butterfly