Friday, October 24, 2008

Great Wolf Lodge Pictures

Brady waits for storytime to begin in the lobby

Brady and Daddy Brad wait for the bucket to dump 10000 liters of water...

WOW! That is A LOT of water!

Uncle Rick and Meredith enjoy the pool.

Jump, Brady!

Mommy and Brady posing for the camera

We climbed up the fort and waved to Daddy Brad down below

WEEEEEE... Meredith loved going down the slide.

Here goes Brady. He did not enjoy it as much :(

Clinging to Mommy

What happens when Brady is NOT clinging to Mommy

Meredith shows off her new swimming skills and spent most of the day swimming circles around her cousin.

Brady is so sad while Daddy Brad tries to teach him how to stay afloat and swim with his lifevest.

The big kids even enjoyed the park.

The fast waterslides were a blast!

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