Friday, May 27, 2011

Bandits Baseball Team

Brady is on his first baseball team. The Bandits practice once a week and have a game once a week. It is coach pitch and Brady loves being on the team. Thanks to G-Ma he has a new glove, bat and ball and is proud to use them all. He looks so grown up and official in his uniform.

Walking into the dugout

All the boys sitting in the dugout. Brady is number 8. 

Brady's turn at bat. He batted 3 different times and was 3 for 3! He was so proud to run the bases and made sure to let Daddy know that he was doing high knees.

Brady playing in the field. Still needs some coaching on the fielding concept. 

After the game he is all smiles :)

Visit from G-Ma and Uncle Wally

G-Ma and Uncle Wally came to visit over the Easter weekend. We are still trying to convince Uncle Wally to move out here. Always fun to have my mom and brother around. Thanks mom for the mini maternity shopping spree!

Brady and Meredith pose for a pic after a delicious steak dinner.

Sweet picture with their G-Ma and Uncle

Rocket Blast

Brady received this rocket blast toy from Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Wes in the mail for his birthday. He quickly brought it outside to see how high he blast his rocket.

Meredith's Party

Meredith's 5th birthday party was the day after Brady's. She chose a ballerina princess party. The dance part of the party was all girls and Brady and I came after for the cake and presents. Brady was surrounded by a group of cute 5 year old girls :)

 Brady stole a chance to tell Mer a secret which she apparently thought was hilarious. Brady always knows how to make Mer laugh. They are so funny together. Check out the cowboy boots and shorts! Definitely impressing the ladies.

Brady sat patiently while Meredith opened her 10th barbie of the day. I have never seen so many barbies in my life!

Brady turns 5 (I can not believe it)!! Elite Gymnastics Party

It is hard to believe that Brady is 5 years old already! He is growing up so fast and will be going to kindergarten in a few short months. Brady decided to have his birthday party at his gymnastics center. Unfortunately his mom's pregnancy brain had a little glitch. I scheduled the party at the wrong place and we all showed up at Emerald City Gymnastics when really the party was scheduled at Elite Gymnastics. We got everyone transported to the right facility and all was well (except for an embarrassed mommy). Oh well! The kids loved playing on all the equipment and it was a perfect party with great family and friends.

Caden, my cousin's little boy, playing in the foam pit

Eli coming out of the foam pit. Eli is a Cherie's boy who is only about 2 weeks younger than Brady. Cherie and I have become good friends and work together. 

Brady going down the zip line 

Meredith's turn! Meredith is Brady's sweet cousin who is a week older than Brady. Brady and Meredith could not be more different, but they are the best of friends. 

Megan and Faith getting ready to go down the slide. These two cuties are in Brady's class at school. 

Brady getting ready for the rope swing

The birthday boy waiting for his metal

The birthday gang

Colton and Brady. Brady and Colton have become very good friends. Colton's mom, Kim, and I work out at the same gym and they end up on the play area together a lot. 

Our family

Brady's grandparents came to help us celebrate

Brady blowing out his dinosaur cupcakes

Unfortunately Kate was too young to come play on the equipment, but we are so happy she could come for the cake and presents. Brady and Kate spend lots of time time together and already have a brother/sister love/hate relationship. We will be see what happens in the years to come. Kate cracks me up and is so animated and happy - just like her mama, Kara.

Kate's brother, Max slept through the party. He seems to be laid back and goes with the flow just like his dad, Mark. 

Brady received so many great presents and we are still trying to figure out where to put everything and how in the world to keep all the little Lego pieces together. 

Easter Egg Hunt

The weekend before Easter Brady's school put on an Easter Egg Hunt. We bundled up and headed to the park. Brady still has no motivation to find eggs since he knows there is only candy inside. Maybe if there were donuts inside it would be a different story. Nonetheless we had fun running around trying to stay warm.

This is as close as we got to the Easter Bunny. Brady was not fooled and quickly realized it was someone dressed up as the Easter bunny. He apparently saw that he was wearing shoes and "bunnies do not wear shoes, Mom." Getting too smart!