Sunday, January 23, 2011


Brady had his first trip to the bowling ally today. We were going to go sledding, but we could not find a sled so I convinced Brady that bowling would be just as fun. He definitely realized it was a lot different than bowling on the Kinect. He used the ramp at first and then decided it was more fun to have the bumpers up and run up and throw the ball like Mommy and Daddy.

Watching Daddy throw the ball down the lane as hard as possible

Brady getting ready to roll the ball down the dinosaur tail ramp

Waiting and waiting and waiting for the ball to make it all the way down the lane

My turn

Brady's run and throw approach which did make it much easier with the bumpers up

 The after throw bowling dance. Brady did get one strike!

Scoreboard!!! I had my first bowling victory over Brad!

Unfortunately it was short lived and Brad ended up with the high score of the day

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Snow Day!

We had our first 'big' snow of the season. I know I know 8 inches is nothing compared to our northeast friends :) but nonetheless we had a great day staying home from work and school. We all ventured out to do some shoveling which ended in some good old snow wrestling. We then decided to go on an adventure and walk down to the park. Who says you can not play at the park in snow? Snow pants on the wet snowy slide = super fast sliding fun. Brady did well until the way back when his little legs finally got tired. After drinking some hot soup he laid down for a 3 hour nap!!

Brady tackling Daddy

Daddy fights back!

 WAIT... I can't see.

Walking to the park

 Brady had a great time climbing and playing at the park

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christmas Fun

Christmas was so fun with Brady this year. He was so excited for Santa to come and as usual with Brady we had to answer LOTS of questions from how Santa gets down the chimney and why he eats cookies and how the reindeer will get their snacks. I also definitely learned my lesson to make sure to wrap the 'Santa' presents in different wrapping paper. He did not think Santa came since he recognized the paper. We convinced him otherwise and he was happy to open his new construction tool set and DS game. Thankfully he did not ask about Cris Cross Crash. I could not find it anywhere. Brad's parents were here for Christmas. We had a great time playing and just hanging out for several days. Brady was spoiled with lots of presents!

Brady opened 3 presents on Christmas Eve.

The first was a tent

Then he got a light up constellation ball that displays the stars on the wall. He also got a light up moon to put in his room. He was all set for a camp out. Another lesson learned on Christmas - make sure you are stocked up on all sizes of batteries. 

 We set up everything in his room and he loved sleeping in his tent with the stars and moon. He was asleep in no time and dreaming of Santa coming I am sure

Brad and Brady building a house with the new construction set

Presents continue when Cheryl and Wes arrived

Nerf Guns!!! We now have four and we had quite the battle. I am now not left out and can defend myself when the boys gang up on me

We all had a lot of fun playing the new kinetic

Lori and Meredith came over to celebrate after they got back from Lori's parents. Brady was happy to have a new transformer

Meredith in her pretty Christmas Dress opened her new Leapster Explorer game

Trip to Florida - Pre Christmas with G-Ma

Brady and I went down to Florida for a visit with G-Ma in mid December. Brad stayed behind to finish up on some work products. Unfortunately both Brady and I had the stomach flu right before we went and it continued through part of the trip. We were able to get out and enjoy some activities though. Brady had his second golf lesson from Tim, Assistant Golf Pro at Crown Colony. He continues to be very interested in learning how to play golf. I was able to play one round of 18 this trip and look forward to February for the member/guest tournament. We went to the park several times and we were able to get in the pool a couple of times. The weather was pretty chilly, but better than COLD KC. Always great to get away and see G-Ma.

Tim giving Brady some tips

Tim even got out the camera and took pictures of Brady swing. Brady thought that was pretty cool. 

Hanging out at the playground

G-Ma bought Brady a new bike to ride around the neighborhood with.

Posing like a 'tough guy'

Even though G-Ma heated up the pool it was still a little chilly for swimming

 Brady posing for the Xmas card

Swinging away

2 year Anniversary

Brad and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on December 5th! Brad was such a great husband and planned a whole night out including dinner at the brazillian steakhouse and a surprise helicoper ride over the city and plaza. What a great experience. Unfortunately our picture did not come out. Many more anniversaries to look forward to :)


It was all about the hair for a couple of weeks. Brady decided it was time for a big boy haircut at Shear Madness where he got to sit in a car and watch scooby doo. He was into spiking his hair and spent lots of time getting it just right. That phase seems to have passed and we are back to being okay with bedhead. I am sure there will be more of these times to come in the near future.


 Brady chose to be Batman this year for Halloween. He still is not motivated by the candy and I am not complaining (more for Brad and I :)). He does like to dress up though and especially liked to give candy out and see the other kids in costume. We went to a party at the gym and met with Colton. Colton and Brady met in the play area of the gym and were instant friends. We also hung out with Kate, Meredith and Mallory.

Batman and Incredible Hulk

The superheros take a break from battle for a hug in the bounce house

Brady the ghost

Snow White showed up (minus her dwarfs)

Garage Sale

We had a garage sale this fall. Not my favorite project, but needed to be done. We had a good turn out and made some good money. Still need to sort through and sell some left over stuff. Brady was a great help and it turned out to be a very nice day for him to ride his bike around. We had to make sure nobody thought the bike was for sale. He chose his outfit for the day. Still a die hard wildcat fan and he recently got some new cowboy boots from G-Ma; why not wear them together with athletic shorts?

Julian's 5th Birthday

We were invited to Julian's 5th birthday party back in early fall. Julian is in the same class as Brady at La Petite. It was our first visit to Monkey Bizness and definitely will not be our last. Brady now would like to have his 5th Birthday there. It has huge blow up apparatuses for the kids (big kids included) to play and jump on. 

Brad playing with the kids and climbing around

 Brady and Julian shooting some hoops

Brad and Brady getting ready to go down the big slide

Racing through the obstacle course

Brady and Demetrius 

More wrestling

Climbing through the maze