Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lori's Birthday Celebration

Brad, Brady and I went over to help Lori celebrate her birthday. Lori and Teresa made a delicious dinner, the kids played and I brought over some cupcakes. All the kids were excited to sing to Lori. Happy Birthday to an amazing Sister-in-Law and aunt!!!

Brad tried to lay down to take a nap. The kids had a different plan and he quickly turned into a jungle gym

Brady has decided he likes yellow cupcakes, but they have to be plan without any frosting. I had to cut him off at 3

Mallory smiles in between bites

Donate Life 5K

I signed up to run a 5K a couple of weeks ago. Brad came to watch and cheer me on. I finished 3rd in my age group and hope to participate in a few more this fall and improve my time.

The start

Finishing the race

Brad turns 30!!!!

Brad has finally joined the 30s club. Brad turned 30 on July 20th and Rob turned 40 on July 23rd. Mia and decided to throw them a joint surprise party. We were successful with the surprise and had a great time celebrating. My camera ran out of battery so I will post more pictures as I get them. Here are a few from the fun filled night.

Meredith was so excited to wish Uncle Brad a Happy Birthday. Brady was with his grandparents so he missed the party unfortunately.

Steph and Jesse made the 10 hour drive to surprise Brad. What great family we have! We miss them living closer. Here is Steph with Meredith and Lori.

Me, Holly, Kara and Carol

The Birthday Boys

More Swimming

Brad, Brady and I headed out to the Lenexa City Pool. There were some fun fast slides to try and Brad continued to give Brady some swimming tips. No floaties allowed at the city pool so here are some pictures of Brady's new swimming skills.

Here is Brad and Brady going down the slides. I was alittle late with my picture. Brady was on the right slide and you can see Brad's arms on the left slide. Brad would swim over to Brady and help him to the edge.

Brady getting some pointers

Brady staying afloat

Jumping in to Brad


We have spent a lot of time at the pool this summer. Brady has concurred his fear of the water and now to say he loves swimming is an understatement. He started the summer wearing his floaties and jumping in and swimming all over the pool. Now with the help of Brad working with him he can successfully swim without any floaties. He can jump in and make to the side of the pool without any assistance. He also mastered jumping off the diving board. I was there to catch him and help him to the side, but he has certainly come a long way. Brad will continue to work with him while he gets stronger and more comfortable in the water. Here are some pictures of Brady and Meredith at the pool.