Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Brady!

Brady turned 4 on April 20th. Can not believe how big he is getting. He is now in the 80th percentile for both height and weight. Brady decided he wanted a superhero themed birthday party. We made a Donut cake since Brady still does not like regular cake. The donuts were a big hit and Steph helped me put the superhero figures in and around our creation. There was even a surprise visit from Spider man. He came running in and did not stay long, but Brady was excited to see him. Some of the other kids were not as excited. Poor Meredith was holding on to Brad for dear life and Kate definitely did not recognize her dad in costume. She was shaking in fear :) He was so fast we did not even get pictures.

Thanks to everyone for coming to celebrate with Brady.

Brady dressed up as a Power Ranger with an Iron Man mask

Rick, Brady's grandpa, showed up as Iron Man

Meredith showed off her Bat girl moves

Kate came as Bat girl as well. So cute.

Brady listening to his birthday song

Making his wish and blowing out the candles

Lets eat donuts!

Cherie with her Supermen, Eli and Keenan

Brady finally got to open his presents. he only asked about 50 times before this

A new remote control car!
Brad had a lot of help playing with his new gifts
The big kids playing Brady's new Wii mario kart game

Sweet boy Keenan stops for a "CHEEEEEEESE"