Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Swimming and Deanna Rose Farmstead with Meredith

This past weekend we took advantage of the beautiful weather and spent a lot of time outside. We finally made it to the pool for the first time of the summer. Brady and Meredith both had a blast. Brady made a huge improvement from past experiences and actually went all the way under the water.

Enjoying the adult swim break with some snacks

The next day we headed to the Deanna Rose Farmstead to play on all the equipment and see the different farm animials. It is fun to watch Meredith and Brady grow up together. They can now converse with each other which often turns into arguing. Sometimes it seems as though they are siblings instead of cousins. Here they are in action together.

Brady shoveling up some sand in the sand pit

Riding on the play horse. Brady almost decided he wanted to take a ride on a real horse, but as Brady often does he changed his mind when we were the next in line. Oh well, maybe next time.

Riding on the Tractor

Meredith wanted to feed the goats... as you can see this quickly turned into Lori feeding the goats and Meredith watching.

Meredith and Brady found a big "Choo Choo Tractor" to play on and took turns taking us for pretend trips. At one point we were on the Polar Express to see Santa. Brady is already talking about what he wants from Santa. Little does he know or understand he still has 5 more months to wait.

We went into an old school house and Brady decided to use his "quiet voice" (quiet and Brady really do not go together) and sit at the desk like a good student.

Brady pumping water so we could wash our hands.

Meredith and Brady watching this goat try to sleep. Not very easy with two 3 year olds pulling and petting him.

For the most part we were all smiles by the end of our journey. Always a fun place to go and tire out the kids before nap time.

Happy Birthday Daddy Brad!!

On July 20th Brad turned the big 29. Only one more year until the big birthday! Brady and I baked Daddy Brad his favorite cake, funfetti. Lori and Meredith came over to help celebrate as well. Brady and Meredith did a great job singing "Happy Birthday" and helped blow out all the candles.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

4th of July Weekend

After a long hiatus I am finally ready to update our blog. We have been having a great summer and time seems to be flying by too quickly. We have all been very busy. Brad has been busy continuing to get his company, Pioneer Construction Builders, up and running. He has successfully completed a house addition, several kitchen remodels and multiple window/siding replacement jobs. He has worked so hard and accomplished so much in a short amount of time. I truly admire his work ethic and dedication.

Brady continues to grow and change faster than I can keep up with. He has developed quite a personality. He recently changed schools and seems to be adjusting well. He also continues to take a gymnastic class once a week and claims the trampoline is his favorite. Soccer is the next activity on his list. He will start a program called, "Happy Feet" where soccer instructors come to the school and work with the kids for about an hour once a week.

As for me, I went to Hilton Head for a long weekend to celebrate my mom's 60th birthday. It is hard to believe that she is 60 as she does not act or look a day over 40! She is doing really well and has adjusted to Florida life surrounding herself with great friends and activities. Her golf game continues to improve. I think she will have her name on the Club Champion golf spot before we know it :) I have been running and getting into shape this summer with the goal of completing a half marathon in October. We will be going on our 2nd annual lake trip with our great friends in a couple of weeks and definitely looking forward to a fun weekend getaway.

Over the 4th of July weekend Mom and Dad Teeple came into town for a visit. We all had a great time and Brady was so happy to have lots of attention. The weekend started with Lori, Steph and I running in the Lenexa 5K race. We then headed to the parade to watch all the "silly cars" and "horses" according to Brady. Although I think he was more impressed by seeing the trains close up that came by on the tracks while the parade was going on. After we all took a nap we went to watch some fireworks. It was a nice cool night and everyone enjoyed relaxing and just hanging out. The next day we decided to take the whole family to the new renovated Kaufman Stadium, home of the Royals baseball team. Even though the Royals lost (Shocker!) it was fun to see all the activities. We took Brady to the "Little K" ballpark where they have a mini baseball field. Brady put on his helmet and stepped up to the plate. He was a good little batter and even ran all the bases. He also ran the 40 yard dash in a whopping 8.2 seconds. His little legs were going as fast as they could. Needless to say we were all pretty exhausted by the end of the day. Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Wes had to leave to get back to Michigan the next day, but we hope we can see them again soon.

Here are some picture we captured throughout this eventful weekend.

Meg, Lori, and Steph before the race. Lori ran the whole way pushing Meredith in the jogging stroller!

The Lenexa 4th of July Parade

Grandma Cheryl and Brady watching the parade from the curb

Daddy Brad and Brady watch a loud train go by on the tracks during the parade

Wes and Brad

Jesse and Steph in deep discussion

The whole family at the fireworks. Briggs was finally able to join in all the fun

Steph made some caramel popcorn which Brady happily inhaled. For someone who does not like sweets this was a definite hit

Lori and Meredith joined us as well and snuggled up to watch the show.

BRIGGS!!! So happy to be out of the house! Not sure what Brady is grabbing at :)

Brady and I waiting for the firework show to begin

Brady at the Royals game

The view from our seats

Batter up!

Yeah! He hit it!

Great form

Running for home plate. Go Brady!

Brady cooling off in the water fountain after his base running

Posing overlooking the outfield

Riding the carousel

All of us outside the ballpark

Yeah! Wes's eyes are open even if he is not looking at the camera :)

Brady got ahold of the camera and actually to my surprise has turned into quite a photographer. Here is a picture he took of Steph and Cheryl at dinner.